Ideally we’d start here:

 All human life has value, value which we can not legally mandate people agree on.

To reinforce (PROTECT)  the value of human life, we must create enforceable laws.

Laws should be 1) Just, 2 ) Corrective 3) Upheld 

Reality means we start here: (you may immediately appreciate the challenging nature of our reality by observing the length of text needed to present them.

The Department of Corrections in the United States juggles numerous objectives, including rehabilitation, punishment, and public safety. Yet, hurdles like overcrowding and racial disparities persist, hampering our efforts. Despite our best attempts at rehabilitation, stubbornly high recidivism rates remind us that we must find more effective strategies. The punitive nature of incarceration can scar individuals and communities, perpetuating cycles of poverty and injustice. Critics rightly advocate for reforms that prioritize rehabilitation, reduce recidivism, and explore alternatives to incarceration

To tackle these challenges effectively, we must listen to the voices of all stakeholders - incarcerated individuals, families, communities, and society at large - and craft solutions that truly address their needs and concerns.